About Us
We are show exhibitors and breeders of AKC Yorkshire Terriers. We show our dogs for a hobby. I started showing dogs at AKC dogs shows as a "Junior Handler" at the age of 13. The breed of dog I was showing then was English Setters and English Cocker Spaniels. Pictured below, I am showing one of my English Setters 8 months pregnant with our first child. I also handled a few other different breeds for other people along the way and continued to show into my late 20's. I at that time, took a break from the dog show world to attend to my career and raise a family.
Once our children were older, my husband encouraged me to start showing dogs again. I at that time wanted to look for a breed that I could have with me in the house and more easily take with us to the dog shows. I didn't have to think twice, as I knew it was going to be Yorkies. I had been introduced to a Yorkie by a friend of mine years prior, and I had been fascinated by the breed ever since. They are truly a wonderful little breed. We have been addicted and dedicated to Yorkshire Terriers ever since acquiring our first one.
My husband also shows our Yorkies since 2007, and my son has just started his ascent into the junior handling ring as well, truly making it a family affair. We love the sport of showing our Yorkies, and our family's passion for our Yorkshire Terriers helps bind our family together. They are our pets first and show dogs second. We hope that this site can be of some assistance with the Yorkies in your life.
We offer breed related information in such areas as Yorkie grooming, Yorkie diet, and Yorkshire Terrier breed history, just to name a few.
Also be sure to check out our Yorkie puppies page as to possible assist you in adding another Yorkie to your life, as we offer yorkie puppies for sale to qualified homes. Also, If you make your own dog food at home we have a few Yorkie dog food recipes that you might want to give a try.
We hope come back and visit our site on a regular basis. We will add additional recipes, grooming articles, health tips and anything else we find that would be helpful to all Yorkie owners.
I have shown and owned many different breeds of dogs over the years, and find this breed to be a delight to be involved in.